Promotion, Appointment and tourist bureaus length

To the rear admiral (lower half) or rear admiral who advertise these positions to employees who are eligible for a service-service municipality organizes existing employees from their flag with the other branch to the screen is. The permanent grade promotion after promotion to the Board for promotion to flag rank is recommended, and joint secretary of the leaders of this list after the service for consideration for survey showed through the Defense of the President can send a list of employees will create.

The Secretary of Defense and the Chairman shall appoint officers to be promoted from this list, advice, service secretary and any officers or commanders service. The President may appoint the staff suggested a reasonable list of people that serve you, but it is very rare.

After the officers before the Senate by a majority of one vote to accept the candidate can be provided. So it requires a candidate who is a certified and / or an officer of the rank allows for holding office occupies. that positions are approved by the Office for Policy, the President shall designate the nomination of officers for the post.

Sea and beach, a star and two star grade continuous rows, these candidates still in a service promotion board nomination must be submitted within the applicant's own home to add screened may be due to Senate approval of two other authorized body, they usually go directly to Senate.

Location of the standard tour length to rear admiral for years, but some of the charter set for four years or more. Since there are two permanent grades of rear admiral, the number of officers over a two-star or no star for the post of chief emigration.


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